I am married 39 year old man and an ICT professional based in Islamabad, some people refer to me as a software engineer, web & software developer, etc but I categorize myself as an ICT professional because my expertise is not only in IT but networks as well
The reason I started this helpline/ foundation was due to pure coincidence and the fact that these fields were related to my profession
If you think we are doing a good job and are really assisting people, please free to donate whatever you like as presently we are self funded, without any grants and I am covering all expenses out of my own pocket
I am constantly looking for individuals who wish to offer their professional expertise pro-bono or free to the needy - This is great for retired people and for final year students to gain experience - We need mental health professionals like psychiatrists / psychologists and legal counselors like advocates or lawyers for victims
Great opportunity to start helping & getting practial experience
A wonderful opportunity to keep busy, pass on experience and help ones in need
Increase your self worth by helping the needful, give back to your community
In my research I found that NGO's or Foundations, a public service or non-profits are not openly declaring their income (grants, donations, award prizes) and neither their expenses at least in Pakistan
In order to keep my foundation transparent, I decided to declare all financials openly for anyone to scrutinize as this will serve two purposes, one would be to remain transparent to everyone so they can see where the funds are going in reality and what are the real expenses. Secondly, this will also give me the ability to catch any irregularities that I personally miss
Presently, I have not found any Non-Profits, NGO's, Foundations, etc declaring their financials in Pakistan for public scrutiny and are not even willing to share their technical/ procedural information or knowledge set to help or co-operate with others in creating more such organizations. Unfortunately, in my communications, most guarded their working domains like you would your bank account and most are only friendly towards donors or the incoming $$$, journalists or reporters who can give them media exposure or people who award prizes or are able to influence such indirectly - It has stopped being about helping
Our seminars are Free and are of two types, one for Studetns & Professionals and second for Parents, both can also be given together and take around 60 minutes in total while all that is required is your cooperation. By providing your offices, schools, parents or your social circle/s with awareness, it will also improve the outlook of your organization or establishment while spreading awareness, information and knowledge
Who knows that your initiative of calling us to provide a free seminar at your establishment will save someone from anguish and problems latter?